Welcome Missionary Baptist Church
{Pontiac Only.No affiliation with any other city}

Blooming Ladies In Christ

To be consistent in the program delivery and serve as exemplary MENTORS and role models
To create a safe and trusting Christian environment for youth to discuss life challenges
To promote Christian values, behavior, leadership and life style
To teach the word of GOD and encourage a relationship with Jesus Christ
To expose youth to experiences that broaden their horizons
To give exposure to successful professionals and career opportunities
To create opportunities for youth to discover, celebrate and/or explore their interests and God given talents
To provide information relative to academic scholarships and other advancement and development opportunities
To teach life skills and provide knowledge on important health and social issues that impact youth
To grow the BLIC Ministry membership by approaching all eligible youth in the Church
To work with other Church ministries to achieve these goals
To manage the BLIC Ministry responsibly and abide by all mandates, guidelines and rules set forth by the Pastor and other leadership of the Church.
BLIC sessions start promptly on 6:45pm. Teens should strive to arrive to BLIC sessions on time.
Teens should come to sessions prepared to participate in discussions and/or activities
Teens should be dressed appropriately in Gods house.
No cell phone calling or texting during BLIC sessions.
Teens must show RESPECT for THEMSELVES, their PEERS and AUTHORITY at all times.
No cursing or use of inappropriate language of any sort.
No Talking Back.
No bullying or fighting.
Teens are expected to hold personal comments shared by other teens while in sessions, in the STRICTEST CONFIDENCE.
Teens are required to respect Church property and adhere to Church rules and etiquette.