Welcome Missionary Baptist Church
{Pontiac Only.No affiliation with any other city}

Welcome's Outreach
If you have a heart to help others and to care for those in need, then join us in our outreach ministry. Share food, clothing and prayers for those among us who have so little, or maybe you can sow a seed in this ministry. Whatever the amount, it would grow as our Lord has promised. Sow today so others can reap tomorrow. Your gift of love and support will help us to continue our outreach help to the hungry, homeless, destitute, disabled, the children and those who are hopeless. My prayer is that your heart for this Outreach Ministry will be moved to help us help others. Prayer our strength in the Lord.
- Pastor Jones
To give online, click the image below:
Food Pantry:
Every 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month; arrive at 8:30am. Distribution begins when the truck arrives. All are welcomed!
Community Service Program:
Welcome is committed to being a presence in the community and serving others in their time of need.
Do you have a heart to serve? We welcome you!
Clothes Closet - 2x's a month
Furniture Support - 2x's a month
Food - 2x's a month
Mission Emergency - Daily Needs
Daycare| Senior Centers - Visit 2x's a month and by special request.
Community Gardens - May to Sept, Nature's Best.
Single Parent| New Mom - Baby Supplies and Care Packages.
Gift to: Welcome Missionary Baptist Church
143 Oneida St.
Pontiac, MI 48341
Welcome is committed to being a presence in the community and serving others in their time of need. Do you have a heart to serve? We welcome you!
Community Service Projects:
Mandy's Place - Continuous financial support. Social and physical needs.
Support Grace Centers of Hope
Domestic Violence Outreach
Local and Foreign Ministries
Community Thanksgiving Dinner - November
Thanksgiving Baskets - 200 - 440| includes partners
Angel Tree Christmas Support - December